The Twelfth International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC12)
July 6-8, 2021
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News †
- May 12, 2021: Abstract submission deadline has been extended to May 28, 2021
- March 23, 2021: Abstract submission page & Registration pages are linked. Click Abstract and Registration in the left menu.
- March 2, 2021: STAC-12 Homepage restarted.
- February 13, 2020: STAC-12 Homepage opened.
The cutting edge of ceramic research is evolving rapidly, leading into areas far beyond the traditional image of ceramics. The main materials of ceramics are oxides. They are typically abundant, benign for environment, and have many unique properties. Many of these features are not seen in typical semiconductors and organic materials. Furthermore, many unknown properties are untapped and as yet undiscovered as exemplified by high-Tc superconductors.
STAC aims to provide a new forum to stimulate the growth of advanced ceramic science and promote its integration into other disciplines through presentations and discussions on currently emerging research topics.
Topics †
- Advanced Characterization
- Fast dynamics, Scanning probe technique, Nanoindentation, SR, etc Thin Films,
- Bio/medical/environmental materials
- Bioceramics, Ecomaterials, etc.
- Chemical materials
- Novel chemistry, Catalyst, etc.
- Engineering materials
- Sustainable materials and systems, Catastrophic fracture, Smart materials, Ecomaterials, etc.
- Electro-magnetic materials
- Magnetic Oxides, Multi-Ferroics, High-Tc Superconductors, etc.
- Semiconductors
- Semiconductors, Dielectrics (high-k, ferroelectrics),
- Solid State Chemistry
- Advanced processes, Structure- property relationship etc.
- MDX Special Session: Materials DX
- Method, Materials Design, Materials Information, Machine Learning, Automation, Data utilization, etc.
Conference Chair †
T. Kamiya (Tokyo Tech, Japan)
Contact (Secretary) †
Dr. Toshio Kamiya
Laboratory for Materials and Structures, Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology
4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan