#author("2024-02-19T05:39:17+00:00","default:stac","stac") #author("2024-02-19T05:39:34+00:00","default:stac","stac") *Abstract [#i2b17d6a] **Acceptance policy [#p55dac77] +D2MatE oral presentations are allocated to D2MatE project members only +STAC oral presentations are open for contributed papers +Other contributed papers will be assigned to poster presentations **Program Outline (Tentative) [#m2aa5b4d] ,Time slot,Room A,Room B ,-10:00,Opening,== ,10:00-,Plenary Speech 1,== ,11:00-,Plenary Speech 2,== ,12:00-13:00,Lunch,== ,13:00-,Poster Session,== ,14:30-,D2MatE Invited 1,STAC ,15:10-,D2MatE Invited 2,STAC ,15:50-,D2MatE Invited 3,STAC ,16:50-18:30,D2MatE Project Presentations,STAC ,18:30-,Closing, ,19:00-21:00,Banquet,== **Abstract submission [#e4fb8ecb] &color(red){''Important:'' Use Template Files ([[MS-Word:http://conf.msl.titech.ac.jp/Conference5/STAC_D2MatE/Abstract/Abstract-Template.docx]], [[PDF:http://conf.msl.titech.ac.jp/Conference5/STAC_D2MatE/Abstract/Abstract-Template.pdf]]) to prepare your abstracts}; Access to [[http://conf.msl.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/STAC_D2MatE.pl]], create account, and login to My Page. Then submit abstract. All abstracts will be reviewed by the members of the Program Committee on the basis of scientific and technical novelty and importance. Acceptance of the papers will be informed by E-Mail, by February 7, 2024 with the decision of presentation style.