Calculate EF(T) for metal using numerical integration and the Newton method,
and compare with the approximation formula


import sys
import time
from math import exp, sqrt
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate # 数値積分関数 integrateを読み込む
from scipy import optimize # newton関数はscipy.optimizeモジュールに入っている
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

Calculate EF(T) for metal using numerical integration and the Newton method,
and compare with the approximation formula

# constants
pi = 3.14159265358979323846
h = 6.6260755e-34 # Js";
hbar = 1.05459e-34 # "Js";
c = 2.99792458e8 # m/s";
e = 1.60218e-19 # C";
kB = 1.380658e-23 # JK-1";
me = 9.1093897e-31 # kg";

# spin, effective mass, electron density
S = 1.0 / 2.0
m = 1.0
N = 5.0e22 # cm^-3

# Temperature range
Tmin = 0 # K
Tmax = 4000
Tstep = 200
nT = int((Tmax - Tmin) / Tstep + 1)

# integration will be performed in the range
# from EF - nrange * kBT to EF + nrange * kBT
nrange = 6.0

# Relative accuracy of the quad functin
eps = 1.0e-8

# Treat argments
argv = sys.argv
if len(argv) >= 2:
    N = float(argv[1])
if len(argv) >= 3:
    m = float(argv[2])

D0 = (2.0 * S + 1.0) * 2.0 * pi * pow(2.0*m, 1.5) / h / h / h # m^-3J^-1.5
D0 *= 1.0e-6 * pow(e, 1.5) # m^-3J^-1.5 => cm-3eV^-1.5

# Density-Of-States function
def De(E):
    global D0

    if E < 0.0:
        return 0.0
    return D0 * sqrt(E)

# Fermi-Dirac distribution function
def fe(E, T, EF):
    global e, kB
    if T == 0.0:
        if E < EF:
            return 1.0
            return 0.0
    return 1.0 / (exp((E - EF) * e / kB / T) + 1.0)

# Define the function to be integrated
def Defe(E, T, EF):
    return De(E) * fe(E, T, EF)

# Calculate electron density with a given EF
# For E < EF - dE, use the analytical integration
# For E > EF - dE, use the numerical integration with quad
# The upper limit of integration is determined as EF + dE
def Ne(T, EF, dE):
    global D0, eps

    (Emin, Emax) = (0.0, EF - dE)
    Ne1 = 2.0 / 3.0 * D0 * (pow(Emax, 1.5) - pow(Emin, 1.5))
    (Emin, Emax) = (EF - dE, EF + dE)
    if Emin < 0.0:
        Emin = 0.0
    ret = integrate.quad(lambda E: Defe(E, T, EF), Emin, Emax, epsrel = eps)
    return Ne1 + ret[0]

# Calculate EF base on
# the charge neutrality (electron number) condition, Ne(T, EF, dE) - N = 0,
# using the Newton method with the initial value EF0
def CalEF(N, T, EF0, dE):
    global D0

    if T == 0.0:
        return pow(1.5 / D0 * N, 2.0 / 3.0) # eV

    EF = optimize.newton(lambda EF: Ne(T, EF, dE) - N, EF0)
    return EF

def main():
    global m, D0

    print("m = %g me" % (m))
    m *= me
# Calculate the prefactor of De(E)
    D0 = (2.0 * S + 1.0) * 2.0 * pi * pow(2.0*m, 1.5) / h / h / h # m^-3J^-1.5
    D0 *= 1.0e-6 * pow(e, 1.5) # m^-3J^-1.5 => cm-3eV^-1.5

# EF at 0 K, to be used for the initial value of the Newton method
    EF0 = pow(1.5 / D0 * N, 2.0 / 3.0) # eV
    N0 = Ne(0.0, EF0, 0.0)
    print("EF at 0K = ", EF0, " eV")
    print("Ne at 0K = ", N0, " cm-3")

    xT = []
    yEF = []
    yEFa = []
    EFprev = EF0
    print(" T(K) \t EF(eV) \tEFapprox(eV)\tNcheck(cm-3)")
    for i in range(nT):
        T = Tmin + i * Tstep

        kBTe = kB * T / e
# Calculate the range of numerical integration
        dE = nrange * kBTe
        EF = CalEF(N, T, EFprev, dE)
        Ncheck = Ne(T, EF, dE)
        Ndiff = 1.0 / 2.0 * D0 * pow(EF0, -1.0 / 2.0)
        EFapprox = EF0 - pi * pi / 6.0 * pow(kBTe, 2.0) * Ndiff / De(EF0)
        print("%8.4f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%16.6g" % (T, EF, EFapprox, Ncheck))
        EFprev = EF

# Plot graphs
    fig = plt.figure()

    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    ax1.plot(xT, yEF, label = 'EF(exact)')
    ax1.plot(xT, yEFa, label = 'EF(approx)', color = 'red')
    ax1.set_xlabel("T (K)")
    ax1.set_ylabel("EF (eV)")


    print("Press ENTER to exit>>", end = '')

if __name__ == '__main__':