Calculate Madelung potential by Ewald method

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import sys
import os
import time
from math import erf, erfc
from numpy import sin, cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan, exp, log, log10, sqrt
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as la
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from tkcrystalbase import *

Calculate Madelung potential by Ewald method

pi = 3.14159265358979323846
pi2 = pi + pi
torad = 0.01745329251944 # rad/deg";
todeg = 57.29577951472 # deg/rad";
basee = 2.71828183

h = 6.6260755e-34 # Js";
h_bar = 1.05459e-34 # "Js";
hbar = h_bar
c = 2.99792458e8 # m/s";
e = 1.60218e-19 # C";
me = 9.1093897e-31 # kg";
mp = 1.6726231e-27 # kg";
mn = 1.67495e-27 # kg";
u0 = 4.0 * 3.14*1e-7; # . "Ns2C-2";
e0 = 8.854418782e-12; # C2N-1m-2";
e2_4pie0 = 2.30711e-28 # Nm2";
a0 = 5.29177e-11 # m";
kB = 1.380658e-23 # JK-1";
NA = 6.0221367e23 # mol-1";
R = 8.31451 # J/K/mol";
F = 96485.3 # C/mol";
g = 9.81 # m/s2";

# Lattice parameters (angstrom and degree)
#lattice_parameters = [ 5.62, 5.62, 5.62, 60.0, 60.0, 60.0]
lattice_parameters = [ 5.62, 5.62, 5.62, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0]
#lattice_parameters = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0]

# Site information (atom name, site label, atomic number, atomic mass, charge, radius, color, position)
sites = [
         ['Na', 'Na1', 11, 22.98997, +1.0, 0.7, 'red', np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])]
        ,['Na', 'Na2', 11, 22.98997, +1.0, 0.7, 'red', np.array([0.0, 0.5, 0.5])]
        ,['Na', 'Na3', 11, 22.98997, +1.0, 0.7, 'red', np.array([0.5, 0.0, 0.5])]
        ,['Na', 'Na4', 11, 22.98997, +1.0, 0.7, 'red', np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.0])]
        ,['Cl', 'Cl1', 17, 35.4527, -1.0, 1.4, 'blue', np.array([0.5, 0.0, 0.0])]
        ,['Cl', 'Cl2', 17, 35.4527, -1.0, 1.4, 'blue', np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])]
        ,['Cl', 'Cl3', 17, 35.4527, -1.0, 1.4, 'blue', np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.5])]
        ,['Cl', 'Cl4', 17, 35.4527, -1.0, 1.4, 'blue', np.array([0.0, 0.5, 0.0])]

# Minimum distance to judge idential site
rmin = 0.1

# Ewald alpha parameter
ew_alpha = 0.3

# Precision
prec = 1.0e-5

argv = sys.argv
narg = len(argv)
if narg >= 2:
    ew_alpha = float(argv[1])
if narg >= 3:
    prec = float(argv[2])

def usage():
    print("Usage: python {} alpha prec".format(argv[0]))
    print(" ex: python {} {} {}".format(argv[0], ew_alpha, prec))

def terminate():

def main():
    print("Lattice parameters:", lattice_parameters)
    aij = cal_lattice_vectors(lattice_parameters)
    print("Lattice vectors:")
    print(" ax: ({:10.4g}, {:10.4g}, {:10.4g}) A".format(aij[0][0], aij[0][1], aij[0][2]))
    print(" ay: ({:10.4g}, {:10.4g}, {:10.4g}) A".format(aij[1][0], aij[1][1], aij[1][2]))
    print(" az: ({:10.4g}, {:10.4g}, {:10.4g}) A".format(aij[2][0], aij[2][1], aij[2][2]))
    inf = cal_metrics(lattice_parameters)
    gij = inf['gij']
    print("Metric tensor:")
    print(" gij: ({:10.4g}, {:10.4g}, {:10.4g}) A".format(*gij[0]))
    print(" ({:10.4g}, {:10.4g}, {:10.4g}) A".format(*gij[1]))
    print(" ({:10.4g}, {:10.4g}, {:10.4g}) A".format(*gij[2]))
    volume = cal_volume(aij)
    print("Volume: {:12.4g} A^3".format(volume))

    print("Unit cell volume: {:12.4g} A^3".format(volume))
    Raij = cal_reciprocal_lattice_vectors(aij)
    Rlatt = cal_reciprocal_lattice_parameters(Raij)
    Rinf = cal_metrics(Rlatt)
    Rgij = Rinf['gij']
    print("Reciprocal lattice parameters:", Rlatt)
    print("Reciprocal lattice vectors:")
    print(" Rax: ({:10.4g}, {:10.4g}, {:10.4g}) A^-1".format(*Raij[0]))
    print(" Ray: ({:10.4g}, {:10.4g}, {:10.4g}) A^-1".format(*Raij[1]))
    print(" Raz: ({:10.4g}, {:10.4g}, {:10.4g}) A^-1".format(*Raij[2]))
    print("Reciprocal lattice metric tensor:")
    print(" Rgij: ({:10.4g}, {:10.4g}, {:10.4g}) A^-1".format(*Rgij[0]))
    print(" ({:10.4g}, {:10.4g}, {:10.4g}) A^-1".format(*Rgij[1]))
    print(" ({:10.4g}, {:10.4g}, {:10.4g}) A^-1".format(*Rgij[2]))
    Rvolume = cal_volume(Raij)
    print("Reciprocal unit cell volume: {:12.4g} A^-3".format(Rvolume))

    nsites = len(sites)

    print("Ewald parameters")
    print(" alpha:", ew_alpha)
    norder = -log10(prec)
    print(" precision = {} = 10^-{}".format(prec, norder))

    rdmax = (2.26 + 0.26 * norder) / ew_alpha
    erfc_rdmax = erfc(ew_alpha * rdmax)
    print(" RDmax = {} A, where erfc(alpha*RDmax) = {}".format(rdmax, erfc_rdmax));

    lsin = np.empty(3, dtype = float)
    nrmax = np.empty(3, dtype = int)
    lsin[0] = sin(torad * lattice_parameters[3])
    lsin[1] = sin(torad * lattice_parameters[4])
    lsin[2] = sin(torad * lattice_parameters[5])
    nrmax[0] = int(rdmax / sqrt(gij[0][0] * lsin[1] * lsin[2])) + 1
    nrmax[1] = int(rdmax / sqrt(gij[1][1] * lsin[2] * lsin[0])) + 1
    nrmax[2] = int(rdmax / sqrt(gij[2][2] * lsin[0] * lsin[1])) + 1
    print(" nrmax:", *nrmax)

    cal_N = int(4.0 / 3.0 * pi * rdmax**3 / volume * nsites)
    print(" cal_N(real):", cal_N)

    G2max = ew_alpha**2 / pi**2 * (-log(prec))
    print(" G2max:", G2max)
    print(" exp(-pi^2 * G2max^2 / alpha^2) = ", exp(-pi**2 * G2max**2 / ew_alpha**2))
    lsin[0] = sin(torad * Rlatt[3])
    lsin[1] = sin(torad * Rlatt[4])
    lsin[2] = sin(torad * Rlatt[5])
    hgmax = np.empty(3, dtype = int)
    hgmax[0] = int(sqrt(G2max / (Rgij[0][0] * lsin[1] * lsin[2]))) + 1
    hgmax[1] = int(sqrt(G2max / (Rgij[1][1] * lsin[0] * lsin[2]))) + 1
    hgmax[2] = int(sqrt(G2max / (Rgij[2][2] * lsin[0] * lsin[1]))) + 1
    print(" hgmax:", *hgmax)

    cal_N = int(4.0 / 3.0 * pi * G2max**1.5 / Rvolume * nsites)
    print(" cal_N(reciprocal):", cal_N)

    namei, labeli, zi, Mi, qi, ri, colori, pos_i = sites[0]

    stime1 = time.time()
    UC1 = 0.0
    for iz in range(-nrmax[2], nrmax[2]+1):
     for iy in range(-nrmax[1], nrmax[1]+1):
      for ix in range(-nrmax[0], nrmax[0]+1):
        for j in range(nsites):
            namej, labelj, zj, Mj, qj, rj, colorj, pos_j = sites[j]
            rij = distance(pos_i, pos_j + np.array([ix, iy, iz]), gij)

            if rij < rmin:

            erfcar = erfc(ew_alpha * rij)
            UC1 += qj * erfcar / (rij * 1.0e-10) # in eV
    etime1 = time.time()

    origin = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    UC2 = 0.0
    Kexp = pi * pi / ew_alpha / ew_alpha
    Krec = 1.0 / pi / (volume * 1.0e-30)
#    for l in range(-hgmax[2], hgmax[2]+1):
    for l in range(0, hgmax[2]+1):
     for k in range(-hgmax[1], hgmax[1]+1):
      for h in range(-hgmax[0], hgmax[0]+1):
          G2 = distance2(origin, np.array([h, k, l]), Rgij)
          if G2 == 0.0 or G2 > G2max:

          phi_i = pi2 * (h * pos_i[0] + k * pos_i[1] + l * pos_i[2])
          cosphi_i = cos(phi_i)
          sinphi_i = sin(phi_i)

          cossum_j = 0.0
          sinsum_j = 0.0
          for j in range(nsites):
              namej, labelj, zj, Mj, qj, rj, colorj, pos_j = sites[j]

              phi_j = pi2 * (h * pos_j[0] + k * pos_j[1] + l * pos_j[2])
              cossum_j += qj * cos(phi_j)
              sinsum_j += qj * sin(phi_j)

          fcal = cosphi_i * cossum_j + sinphi_i * sinsum_j
          if l != 0:
            fcal *= 2.0
          expg = exp(-Kexp * G2) / (G2 * 1.0e+20)
          UC2 += Krec * expg * fcal
    etime2 = time.time()

    UC3 = qi * 2.0 * (ew_alpha * 1.0e10) / sqrt(pi)

    MP = UC1 + UC2 - UC3
    etime3 = time.time()

# Coefficient to calculate electrostatic potential
    Ke = e * e / 4.0 / pi / e0

    print("Time for real space sum : {:6}".format(etime1 - stime1))
    print("Time for real reciprocal sum: {:6}".format(etime2 - etime1))
    print("Total time : {:6}".format(etime3 - stime1))

    print(" Madelung potential: {:12.6g} J (= {:12.6g} + {:12.6g} - {:12.6g})".format(Ke * MP, Ke * UC1, Ke * UC2, Ke * UC3))
    print(" Madelung potential: {:12.6g} eV (= {:12.6g} + {:12.6g} - {:12.6g})".format(Ke / e * MP, Ke / e * UC1, Ke / e * UC2, Ke / e * UC3))
# Charge is represented by q0 to define Madelung constant
# Lattice parameter a is represented by q0 to define Madelung constant
    print(" Madelung constant: {:14.8g}".format(0.5 * MP / abs(qi) * (lattice_parameters[0] * 1.0e-10)))


if __name__ == '__main__':