Warning: Can not open [/home/conf/public_html/cgi-bin/show_python.log]. Ignore No title

Download script from show_pictures.py
Related files:



import os
import sys
import re
import glob

from PIL import Image

from tklib.tkapplication_cgi import tkApplication_CGI
from tklib.tkutils import pint, pfloat, getarg, getintarg, getfloatarg, split_file_path

#debug = True
debug = False

infile = ""
web_root = "/home/conf/public_html"
#web_root = "D:\\tkProg\\tkProg.main\\tkprog_COE\\html"
url_root = ""

img_w = 480

app = tkApplication_CGI()

# Treat argments
def usage(app = None):
    print(" (a) python {} infile")

def updatevars():
    global infile

    infile = getarg(1, infile)

def execute():
    global infile
    global web_root


    logfile = app.replace_path(app.script_fullpath, template = ["{dirname}", "{filebody}.log"])
#    print("")
#    print(f"Open logfile [{logfile}]")
        app.redirect(targets = ["stdout", logfile], mode = 'w')

Warning: Can not write to log file [{logfile}]


    if debug:

Show pictures from {infile}


    path = app.getfirst('path', None)
    if path is None:
        path = infile

    if path is None:

Error: The argument path must be given


    str = app.validate_path(path, 'upper_dir|invalid_char|top_dir')
    if str != '':



    infile = os.path.join(web_root, path, "*.png")
    files = glob.glob(infile)
    if len(files) == 0:
        infile = os.path.join(web_root, path, "*.PNG")
        files = glob.glob(infile)

    if debug:
        print(f"path: {path}
        print(f"infile: {infile}
        files = glob.glob(infile)
        print(f"# of files: {len(files)}

    if len(infile) == 0:

Error: Can not find {infile}


    outfiles = {}
    for i in range(len(files)):
        f = files[i]
        if debug:
            print(f"f: {f}

        dirname, basename, filebody, ext = split_file_path(f)
        m = re.search(r"(\d+)$", filebody)
        if m:
            index = pint(m.groups()[0])
#            index = i + 1
#        print(f"filebody: {filebody} index: {index}


        ext = ext.lower()
        inpath = os.path.join(dirname, f"{index:02}{ext}")
        outpath = os.path.join(dirname, f"{index:02}-small{ext}")

        if debug:
            print(f"dirname: {dirname}

        if '-small.png' in inpath:

        if not os.path.exists(inpath):
            if debug:
                print(f"Rename in line 125:
                print(f" {f}
                print(f" to {inpath}
                os.rename(f, inpath)

Error: Can not rename {f} to {inpath}


Checck permission


        if os.path.exists(outpath):
            if debug:
                print(f"{outpath} exists. Skip.
            if debug:
                print(f"Converting in line 141:")
                print(f" {inpath}")
                print(f" to {outpath}
            img = Image.open(inpath)
            height = int(img.height * img_w / img.width)
            img_resized = img.resize((img_w, height))
                img_resized.save(outpath, quality = 90)

Error: Can not convert {inpath} to {outpath}


Checck permission


        outfiles[inpath] = 1

    outfiles = sorted(outfiles.keys())
    path = path.replace('\\', '/')
    for f in outfiles:
        dirname, basename, filebody, ext = split_file_path(f)
        inurl = f"{url_root}/{path}/{filebody}{ext}"
        outurl = f"{url_root}/{path}/{filebody}-small{ext}"

#        print(f'{inurl} : {outurl}')


def main():


    app.terminate("", pause = False)

if __name__ == "__main__":